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Motor vehicle laws are complex and require the expertise and an in-house legal team to maximize revenue.

At PROMEDICAL, we know that the complexity of motor vehicle accident claims require specialized skills to coordinate reimbursement to maximize the bottom line. Our attorneys and staff are fluent in state laws, regulations and the coordination of benefits to ensure maximum reimbursement. Our technology solutions drive the speed of our resolutions.

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Skillfully handled workers’ compensation claims improve client satisfaction and increase cash recovery.

PROMEDICAL has been resolving workers' compensation claims for over twenty-five years. Our success comes from our sophisticated technology paired with our methodology. We leverage our long-standing relationships in the payer community, target erroneous PPOs, challenge misapplied fee schedules, pursue underpayments, and maximize reimbursement in usual and customary methodology states. PROMEDICAL provides expertise that will ensure the highest level of reimbursement allowed.

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Zero balance recovery supports the revenue integrity of our clients.

Technology enabled zero balance account reviews help our clients strengthen their revenue integrity and improve the cost-to-collect within their organization. Our technology analytics engine identifies underpayment trends and recoverable cash. Our highly skilled team determines the best strategies to target the claims for maximum revenue recovery.

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